Golf Tips for Injury Prevention

If you take the Physiotherapy approach, you’re in good company. Physios suggest these simple measures to help you avoid back pain or injury and improve your game: Purchase equipment that fits. Don’t try to adapt your swing to the wrong clubs: A six-footer playing with irons designed for someone five inches shorter is begging for […]

Injury Prevention

Many people come to see us after they have suffered an injury, and we are happy to help them; but many of these injuries could have been prevented if they had come before they had the injury. A great part of the physiotherapy treatment protocol has to do with injury prevention. We will take a […]

The Golf Swing

The golf swing is a complex series of movements, and many golfers are limited by their physical capabilities to perform these movements, whether it is due to poor coordination of their body segments, lack of adequate flexibility, or lack of appropriate control and strength. Physiotherapists can identify these physical restrictions and implement an appropriate program […]


Some people think that their condition isn’t bad enough to warrant physiotherapy treatment or just feel they do not need an occasional check-up. We all know that regular servicing of our cars helps to ensure trouble free motoring and can save us a lot of money in repair bills. We should have the same attitude […]

Kids Need To Practice Good Computer Ergonomics Too

At least 70% of Australia’s school students use computers. As a result of this increased usage, Physiotherapists are treating more young patients suffering from the effects of working at computer stations that are either designed for adults or poorly designed for children. Many children are already suffering from repetitive motion injuries such as carpal tunnel […]

Sports Injury Rehab

Physiotherapy plays an integral part in the multi-disciplinary approach to the management of sports injuries. The aim of physiotherapy is to treat and fully rehabilitate the athlete post-injury, post-operatively, to prevent further injury and to return the athlete to sport in the shortest possible time. Sports injury rehabilitation focuses on treating injuries specific to you […]


What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bones become fragile and brittle. They fracture more easily than normal bone. Even a minor bump or fall can cause a serious fracture. Half of all women and one-third of men over 60 in Australia will have a fracture due to osteoporosis. What is osteoporosis? […]

Neck Pain

If you are one of the many Australians that suffers with neck pain, you will be pleased to know that our proven Physiotherapy approach may offer the solution you have been searching for. One out of ten of us will have neck pain at some time in our life. In most cases it is not […]

Joint Pain & Arthritis

What is Arthritis ? Arthritis is a major cause of disability and handicap in Australia affecting people of all ages and walks of life. Arthritis is not a single condition. Arthritis literally means inflammation of the joint. There are over 150 kinds of arthritis, all of which affect one or more joints in the body. […]


Headache is one of the most common illnesses in Australia, with around 15 per cent of us taking painkillers for a headache at any given time. Because headaches are so common, most people think they are a normal part of life. However, a persistent headache is a sign that something is wrong.  The continual use […]