Anyone for tennis?

Anyone for tennis? Get in shape for the grand slam without getting an injury   The new year in Australia means one thing: tennis fever!As the new year heats up and grand slam contenders begin to fall, across the nation racquets are dusted off, sweat bands donned and old rivalries rekindled at the local tennis […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Add Foam Rolling Into Your Routine!

Image of an elderly woman on a foam rolling mat

5 Reasons Why You Should Add Foam Rolling Into Your Routine! If you aren’t foam rolling, or getting a sports massage at least twice weekly and you are working out even moderately, you most likely are experiencing some form of muscle tightness. This can affect your ability to exercise regularly, your motivation to work out […]

Is your mattress causing you back pain?

Is your mattress causing you back pain? Getting a good night’s sleep is dependent on a variety of factors, a major one being your mattress. Do you wake up with lower back pain and feel like you have to stretch to rid the pain? If so, your mattress may not meet your needs. Having a […]

Do you have Text Neck?

How much time do you spend texting, emailing from your phone, flicking through social media, or just generally looking down at your phone? Text neck is a repetitive strain injury, and one that is seen in a growing number of patients over the past few years. An increasing number of teens and adolescents are experiencing […]

Living with Arthritis

If you have arthritis, carrying out tasks around the home can be a challenge. However, making some practical changes to your home and changing the way you work should make things easier.Practical tips that could help include: • Keeping things in easy reach• Using a hand rail to help you get up and down the […]

Tips for a Healthy Spine

Approximately 80-90% of the population suffers from spinal pain at some point. A healthy spine is an often overlooked and essential part of a healthy lifestyle. People, who suffer from back pain, particularly if it is long-term, are generally less healthy than those who do not. It’s important for you to try to keep your spine […]

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Iliotibial Band Syndrome, or ITBS, is one of the most common causes of pain that is felt on the outside of the knee. It is most common in runners, hikers and cyclists, but any athlete who plays sports that require repeated knee flexion can find themselves dealing with IT Band pain. The Iliotibial Band is […]

Green Smoothies – delicious, easy and nutritious!

It can be hard to get enough veggies and fruit into our diets, especially when we’re busy and when our kids may not want to eat quite what we would like them to! But without those fruits and especially those green veggies that we are missing, our bodies don’t work as well. We can get […]

Trigger Point Therapy

An important aspect of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction is addressing all possible contributing factors, including the presence of joint or spinal dysfunction, postural imbalances, reduced coordination of movement, poor posture and the effect of trigger points. Most muscular aches and pains are caused or affected by untreated “trigger points,” localized tender spots in muscles. Understanding […]